

Pi2 was selected by Siemens to increase awareness of its B2B services. The brand was highly known for its consumer devices and the challenge was to communicate company’s green technologies & sustainable solutions for municipalities and industries.


For this specific B2B project, we were inspired by the famous TV show Discovery Race. We adapted it online, and created a snow ball effect in the social media, by developing a mechanism that started with 10 high profile key bloggers, who competed in an offline race and used social media techniques to engage their followers and generate online discussions. The result was ‘Siemens Amazing Race’, a real competition of 5 teams, on 1.700 km, through 13 cities in 5 days in search of 10 green solutions developed by Siemens.


Using social media in B2B communication was a bit risky but it paid off. Results exceeded all expectations, the HQ deciding to use this project as best practice at international level. The international PR community awarded this project for social media engagement and creative B2B communication. Millions of impressions in social media, thousands of people involved, hundreds of press articles, including TV news, and most important, business leads.


Industry, Technology


B2B Communication, Digital PR, Social Media

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